Katrina Brisbon is a career member of the Senior Executive Service and currently serves as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisitions and a Senior Procurement Executive. In this role, she advises the HHS Senior Executive leadership on matters related to the HHS Acquisitions Enterprise while ensuring delivery of transparent, best value solutions across the $40 billion HHS acquisition portfolio.
Previously, Brisbon served as the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Contracting and Procurement/Head of the Contracting Activity at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) where she was responsible for the oversight of contract operations, contract policy, business systems and the strategic planning of TSA’s $3.8 billion acquisition portfolio. Brisbon also served as the executive liaison to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chief of Procurement on all matters related to TSA contracts and procurement, policy legislation and the workforce.
Prior to TSA, Brisbon served as the Deputy, Head of the Contracting Activity for the Defense Information Systems Agency. In this capacity, she provided oversight and strategic planning for the acquisition of telecommunications systems, information technology assets and associated services for annual obligations of approximately $7 billion.
Brisbon holds a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Science in Human Relations and a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Business Administration.